Thursday, January 26th 2012, 9:33 pm
A shocking case of animal cruelty came to an end Thursday. Cody Hahn of Sapulpa admits that in October 2008, he dragged his girlfriend's dog almost a mile from the bumper of his SUV.
01/26/2012 Related Story:Man Charged In Creek County Dog Dragging Case Pleads Guilty
As part of a plea deal, Hahn received the maximum punishment of five years, with no credit for time served. Hahn will spend one year in the Creek County Jail, and will be on probation for four years after that.
While he's behind bars, Sammy - the dog that nearly died - is enjoying his second chance at life.
When Isaac and Nicole Bond met Sammy three years ago, it was right after the stray was abused - and he was taken to the vet's office where their mom used to work.
"He had no hair. He was pretty much hairless on the arms. Scars were open and puss was coming out. It was nasty," Isaac Bond said. "Because of how cut up he was, no one wanted to touch him. And we couldn't - he just had that one look on his face: take me home."
The Bonds quickly formed a bond with their new friend.
"Sammy did not do anything wrong to him," Isaac said.
The kids say they'll never understand why anyone would drag a dog from a vehicle.
"Just for abusing an animal. Animals are just like people," Nicole Bond said.
But they're glad Cody Hahn finally admitted what he did, and will go to jail for it. Hahn will even have to pay back $3,000 in medical bills to the Bristow vet who treated Sammy.
"There was a lady that ended up paying for it because she felt bad for him. She paid for everything that they did." Nicole said.
"We got scars that come pretty much all the way up to his neck," Isaac said.
He walks with a limp, favoring his front left leg -- it may even have to be amputated one day. But, unlike many abused animals, he doesn't have emotional scars.
Instead of cold, he's curious. Instead of skittish, he's spirited.
Sammy is a lucky dog.
Cody Hahn's girlfriend was also charged in the case. Rikki Seritt told the Creek County Sheriff's Office she tied Sammy to the SUV.
Seritt's case was on hold until Hahn's wrapped up, but prosecutors will move forward this spring.
January 26th, 2012
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