Friday, June 7th 2013, 1:01 pm
City of Tulsa voters can cast their in-person absentee ballots at the Tulsa County Election Board Office, located at 555 North Denver Avenue, Friday and Monday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.
Election day is Tuesday, June 11.
There are five candidates in the mayoral race: current mayor Dewey Bartlett, former mayor Kathy Taylor, former city councilor Bill Christiansen, Lawrence Kirkpatrick and Jerry Branch.
According to Tulsa's city charter…
"If one candidate receives more than 50 percent of all votes cast for that office at the primary election, no further election shall be held and such candidate shall be deemed elected."
But "if no one candidate receives more than 50 percent of all votes cast at the primary election, but two candidates receiving the most votes together receive votes exceeding 50 percent those two candidates shall be placed on the ballot at the general election."
Now, "if no one candidate receives more than 50 percent of all votes cast at the primary election, and no two candidates together receive more than 50 percent of all votes cast at the said primary election, the several candidates receiving the greatest number of votes, which total at least 50 percent of all the votes cast for that office shall participate in a run-off primary election.
And the two candidates for each office receiving the greatest number of votes at such run-off primary election shall be deemed nominated and placed on the ballot at the general election."
Kathy Taylor and her family voted at the County Election Board Friday, because she said she'll spent much of election day campaigning.
Also on the ballot Tuesday is the race for city auditor.
Three candidates are in that race: incumbent Clift Richards, Cathy Criswell and Joshua Lewis.
The run-off primary election date (if necessary) is set for August 13, and the general election is November 12.
Republican Tulsa County voters living in County Commission District 3 can also cast in-person absentee ballots Friday and Monday ahead of Tuesday's election.
There are four candidates on that ballot: Brandon Perkins, Ron Peters, Don Crall and John Wright.
The winner will face Democrat John Bomar of Tulsa on August 13.
The election will fill Fred Perry's unexpired seat. Perry announced in February he was retiring effective July 8.
2/11/2013 Related Story: Tulsa County Commissioner Fred Perry Announces Resignation
June 7th, 2013
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