Wednesday, January 19th 2011, 5:13 pm
Lori Fullbright, News On 6
TULSA, Oklahoma -- A Green Country mother was so despersate to track down her son's killer, she took her search to the internet.
Cindy Osage promised her son when he was dying, that she would not stop searching for his killer and do whatever she had to, to bring him to justice. Her extraordinary effort even included Facebook messages back and forth with the suspect.
Jason Crowder was only 23 when he was shot and killed inside a Tulsa apartment last June. The DA charged Charlie Noriega and police issued a warrant, but he took off to Mexico.
Jason's mother, Cindy, spent dozens of hours on the internet, talking about the case, searching for Noriega's location. She was infuriated that he was updating his Facebook page, acting like nothing ever happened.
12/9/2011 Related Story: Tulsa Mother Wants Son's Killer Brought To Justice
Finally, on January 9, 2011, her days and nights online paid off in the way of Facebook messages.
Noriega claimed he was only supposed to scare Jason that night, not kill him.
He wrote "my intentions were not to kill him…im really sorry i put ur family thru everything.. i know i deserve punishment by god and the courts...never did i dream i would become a killer and i hate it."
"Part of me wants to believe what he says and part of me doesn't want to be played anymore," Cindy said.
He even wrote that he would turn himself in, that he would tell the truth, then, nine days later, he was caught crossing the border into the United States. Police arrested him when they learned of his murder warrant in Tulsa.
1/18/2011 Related Story: Tulsa Murder Suspect Arrested Trying To Cross U.S. Border
"Charlie, I feel like, doesn't have any respect for life," Cindy said. "He knew what he was doing when he went over there that day and he has to pay now.'
Cindy is the first to admit her son wasn't perfect, but says he paid for his mistakes with prison time and says he didn't deserve to be assassinated. That's why it's so important to her to keep her promise to him, to bring his killer to justice and she's not finished yet.
"This isn't over," she said. "I won't stop until he's in prison."
The next step is to extradite Noriega back to Tulsa for trial. Police will investigate whether it was really Noriega sending those messages, apologizing and admitting guilt.
January 19th, 2011
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