Monday, February 3rd 2020, 11:19 am
The jury trial is scheduled to begin on Monday for an Owasso woman charged with first degree murder in the shooting death of her husband.
This case has taken 7 years to get to trial and this could be the trial that determines the fate of Vicky McNeely.
Back In January 2013, Police say McNeely called 911 and said she shot her husband Daniel McNeely after he lunged at her with a knife.
Related Story: 'Stand Your Ground' Law Does Not Apply In Owasso Killing, Court Rules
Police said he was shot four times in the laundry room of their home.
Authorities reported finding knives but said Mrs. McNeely appeared to have been drinking.
She was charged with first degree murder.
McNeely said it was self-defense and tried to file a petition saying her case fell under Oklahoma's Stand Your Ground law. But it was denied.
A judge ruled the Stand Your Ground law did not apply in this case because the use of deadly force was between lawful residents inside their home.
Court records show the trial is scheduled to begin at 1:30 Monday afternoon.
February 3rd, 2020
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