Wednesday, April 1st 2020, 1:15 am
Many events in Tulsa have been canceled or postponed due to coronavirus (COVID-19), but some organizations are finding creative ways to have their events anyway while still following social distancing guidelines.
The Tulsa Garden Center usually has hundreds of people at Spring Fest every year; but this year instead of canceling it because of COVID-19, they created a new concept called Spring Fest To-Go!
They’re working with several local vendors to offer a variety of flowers, vegetables, succulents and other plants.
You just fill out a form online, pay for your plants, schedule a pick up time to drive through, and you don’t even have to get out of your car!
This is their second week filling orders and they say its really taken off.
They said this concept is also a great way to include local businesses and garden shops who can’t open right now because of the Safer at Home order.
Dylan Axsom with the Tulsa Garden Center said “not only is it gardening season but people have been cooped up and can’t do anything; now people can go out, avoid the public and avoid contact with people, and still get their plants and still be able to so something outside.”
They hope to keep Spring Fest To Go up and running until the end of April.
For more information, click here.
April 1st, 2020
April 15th, 2020
April 14th, 2020
January 8th, 2025
January 8th, 2025