Monday, April 21st 2008, 7:08 pm
Mother's Day is now less than a month away. And, an Oklahoma City woman wants to make it a special day for those with sons and daughters fighting for our freedom.
In June of 2007, citizens lined the streets of Del City, waving flags and cheering for the soldiers returning home. Bus loads of Oklahoma Army National Guard members were finally home from a lengthy deployment.
"We went to the parade last summer in Del City and were just touched," Pam Hilliard said.
Hilliard didn't go to welcome a family member home; she went to show her military appreciation.
Seeing mothers embrace their sons and daughters gave Pam Hilliard an idea.
"It's the 100th anniversary of Mother's Day and I would love for the citizens to respond by giving a Mother's Day gift to the mothers of deployed Oklahoma National Guardsmen," Operational Mother's Day founder, Pam Hilliard said.
She calls it Operation Mother's Day. They have already given gifts to mothers in Oklahoma City. But Hilliard said there are nearly 3,000 moms across the state that still needs to be sponsored.
"We're doing a $35 tax deductible donation to the American Legion, and then the gifts are all purchased and alike," Hilliard said. "They are pampering sets that Moms normally wouldn't do for themselves."
Hilliard doesn't have a child in the military and she can only imagine what a mother feels when her child is deployed or when that mother watches the many images of war.
"Being a mom and a grandmother, you know there is nothing more precious than your child no matter where they are and we always want to stay in touch and make sure they are okay," Hilliard said.
And now it's Hilliard's chance to make sure military moms are taken care of and appreciated for their sacrifice.
And you can support Operation Mother's Day by sending a $35 donation to:
American Legion
P.O. Box 53037
Oklahoma City, OK 73152.
And be sure to specify that it is for Operation Mother's Day.
April 21st, 2008
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