Pets and people mingle for adoption

Pets and people mingle for adoption

Compressed Natural Gas offers break at the pump

Compressed Natural Gas offers break at the pump

Cartoon image inspires more controversy than laughter

Cartoon image inspires more controversy than laughter

Boy warns mother of fire in apartment complex

Boy warns mother of fire in apartment complex

Pickens' plan offers perks at gas pump

Pickens' plan offers perks at gas pump

Boy gets new wheelchair from giving Oklahomans

Boy gets new wheelchair from giving Oklahomans

Parents seek help replacing special needs wheelchair

Parents seek help replacing special needs wheelchair

Station 7 in need of repairs

Station 7 in need of repairs

Witness: Authorities harassing, confiscated pictures

Witness: Authorities harassing, confiscated pictures

New ethics rules take effect Tuesday

New ethics rules take effect Tuesday

Residents prepare for Fourth of July festivities

Residents prepare for Fourth of July festivities

British farmers take root in Oklahoma

British farmers take root in Oklahoma

School lunch prices to increase

School lunch prices to increase

Child molestation reported at jail

Child molestation reported at jail

Crop demands change with Midwest flooding

Crop demands change with Midwest flooding

Soldier serving in third tour is welcomed home

Soldier serving in third tour is welcomed home

Students raise money for killed classmates

Students raise money for killed classmates

Federal judge blocks portion of anti-immigration law

Federal judge blocks portion of anti-immigration law