Two Cents: What Tulsans think about halting penny production

Two Cents: What Tulsans think about halting penny production

SiriusXM, ESPN Suspend Brett Favre Programming As Welfare Scandal Intensifies

SiriusXM, ESPN Suspend Brett Favre Programming As Welfare Scandal Intensifies

Mississippi Sues Brett Favre, Pro-Wrestlers Over Alleged Misuse Of Welfare Funds

Mississippi Sues Brett Favre, Pro-Wrestlers Over Alleged Misuse Of Welfare Funds

Teacher Of The Day: John Davis

Teacher Of The Day: John Davis

Oklahoma Man's Life In Prison Changed To Life On Parole

Oklahoma Man's Life In Prison Changed To Life On Parole

Arby's Offers Summer Deal To Oklahoma Teachers

Arby's Offers Summer Deal To Oklahoma Teachers

Mississippi Judge Blocks Ban On Adoption By Same-Sex Couples

Mississippi Judge Blocks Ban On Adoption By Same-Sex Couples

New Restaurant To Open Soon In Owasso

New Restaurant To Open Soon In Owasso

Undersheriff: Creek County Inmates Swallowing Razor Blades

Undersheriff: Creek County Inmates Swallowing Razor Blades

Metro Residents Brace for Spring Blizzard

Metro Residents Brace for Spring Blizzard

Gang activity emerges in state

Gang activity emerges in state