Wednesday, February 18th 2015, 11:02 am
A 27-year-old inmate who escaped from a western Oklahoma jail has been captured near Clinton, Oklahoma, Wednesday morning.
According to the Custer County sheriff's office, James Edward Weber Jr. escaped from the Arapaho jail after attending a church service at the facility on Tuesday night.
The office says Weber was assigned to carry a box of Bibles out to the minister's vehicle under the supervision of jail staff after the service. Authorities say Weber ran once he got outside the facility.
Weber was in jail on charges of forgery, domestic assault and battery, tampering with utilities and possession of stolen property.
At about 11 a.m., Custer County Sheriff's office confirmed that Weber has been taken into custody at 10:15 a.m. at a location approximately six miles west and two miles north of Clinton, Oklahoma, on a rural county road.
A local citizen was talking with a Oklahoma Highway Patrol Trooper on the phone when Weber crossed the road in front of the citizen. The citizen was able to direct the trooper to Weber's location and he was taken into custody without incident, according to the Sheriff's office.
Agencies assisting the Custer County Sheriff's Office with apprehending Weber were the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Oklahoma State Department of Corrections and the Clinton Police Department.
February 18th, 2015
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