Tuesday, November 26th 2019, 7:41 pm
School districts across the state are receiving their report card scores from the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
“Once we get those scores - once we get that grade then every school. Let's say high school every school in the state of Oklahoma is ranked from the highest all the way down to the lowest," said Owasso Assistant Superintendent, Margaret Coates.
Coates said schools received their scores based on academic achievement, academic growth, chronic absenteeism, and English proficiency.
“There is a top-five percent that are going to make A's and there is a bottom percent that are going to make F's,” said Coates.
Coates said the grades could impact a specific school’s budget.
"The report card grades impact federal funding with regard to the bottom five percent," said Coates.
The Oklahoma Department of Education said the results show several improvements from the previous year. One category that saw an increase is the high school graduation rate that's up point seven percent across the state. The state said English Language Arts decreased year to year statewide. The main reason for the score, though, is to help Oklahoma students.
"Especially those students that are struggling. Identifying those students, put interventions in place to support them and help all students learn at high levels," said Coates.
To check your school's scores CLICK HERE
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