Wednesday, October 19th 2016, 10:50 pm
10:37 p.m. The final presidential debate has ended.
10:33 p.m. ET Wallace allowed the candidates to deliver closing statements.
“I’m reaching out to all Americans -- Democrats, Republicans and independents,” Clinton said, adding that she wants to make life better for everyone. “I will stand up for families against powerful interests and corporations...I hope you will give me a chance to let me serve you as your president.”
She didn’t seem to bash Trump in her closing statement.
Trump said he’s going to “make America great” and he listed all of the problems with the U.S. including the allowances for undocumented people and the problems in the inner cities.
“We cannot take four more years of Barack Obama and that’s what you get with her,” he said.
10:31 p.m. ET Trump is asked if he would save Medicare and Social Security with tax increases and benefit cuts. He said he will cut taxes and it will “totally help you.”
Trump repeated that the government has to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Clinton is asked if she would consider such a grand bargain to save both entitlement programs. She said her plan to raise taxes on the wealthy would help the programs, but said she’s opposed to benefit cuts.
“Such a nasty woman,” Trump said, interrupting Clinton, and shaking his head.
10:25 p.m. ET Wallace said that the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that Clinton’s proposals would make national debt rise to 86 percent of GDP and Trump’s would make it rise to 105 percent of GDP. The candidates are asking why they are ignoring the problem.
“They’re wrong because I’m going to create tremendous jobs,” Trump said. “We will create an economic machine...and people will again go back to work.”
Clinton said Trump has been criticizing the U.S. government for decades.
“I do not add a penny to the national debt. I take that very seriously,” Clinton said in response to the question.
Clinton said she is going to pay for her plans by asking the wealthy to pay their fair share. She said that there’s no evidence that that would slow down the economy.
10:23 p.m. ET Clinton said she’s not going to let anyone in the country who’s not vetted but she said, “I’m not going to slam the door” on refugees suffering from the civil war in Syria, for example.
She said that the killer in the Orlando nightclub shooting was born in Queens.
Trump said that Clinton is never going to defeat ISIS.
10:19 p.m. ET Wallace changed the conversation to Aleppo. Trump said that “Aleppo is a disaster...a humanitarian nightmare.”
He incorrectly said Aleppo has fallen and Wallace said it hasn’t.
Trump said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is “much smarter and tougher” than Clinton and President Obama.
“We’re backing rebels. We don’t know who the rebels are,” Trump said.
10:18 p.m. ET Clinton said that Trump is unfit and he responded saying the same thing.
“John Podesta said some horrible things about you and boy was he right,” Trump said. “Bernie sanders said you have bad judgment.”
10:16 p.m. ET Clinton said that Trump was once again implying that he opposed the war in Iraq.
“He has consistently denied a very clear fact that before the invasion he support it,” said Clinton, who encouraged voters to Google: “Donald Trump Iraq.”
“Wrong,” Trump said several times in response.
10:10 p.m. ET Wallace changes the topic to foreign hot spots and asked the candidates if they would put U.S. troops in Iraq if the offensive to take back Mosul eventually pushes the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) out of the country to ensure terrorists don’t return.
“I will not support putting American soliders into Iraq as an occupying force,” said Clinton, who added that it’s not in the U.S. interest.
She added that she would continue to push for a no-fly zone in Syria.
Trump is asked the same question. He said, “Mosul is so sad. We had Mosul. Now we’re fighting again.”
“What ever happened to the element of surprise?” Trump said in response to the question.
10:06 p.m. Trump is asked if he would make the same commitment as his running mate Mike Pence and daughter Ivanka that he would “absolutely accept” the outcome of the election on Nov. 8.
“I will look at it at the time,” said Trump, who has railed on and on recently about the election being rigged and that Clinton is in the process of trying to steal it.
Trump continued by bashing the “dishonest media.” Wallace reminded him that it’s been a tradition that the loser concedes to the winner.
“What I’m saying is, I will tell you at the time -- I will keep you in suspense,” Trump reiterated.
“Well, that’s horrifying,” Clinton responded. “That is not how our democracy works.”
10:03 p.m. ET Trump said that the money given to the Trump Foundation “goes 100 percent to different charities.”
He said he doesn’t buy boats or different planes with the foundation’s money.
Clinton said that the country doesn’t know about Trump’s dealings because he has refused to release his tax returns and why he might not have paid them for a number of years.
Trump said just like other wealthy people, he used depreciation to avoid paying more taxes.
10:01 p.m. ET Wallace asked why recent reports about there being possible conflicts of interest when she served as secretary of state and the Clinton Foundation wasn’t pay to play.
Clinton said that what she did leading the State Department was “in furtherance of our country’s interest and our values.” She said she’s been proud of the Clinton Foundation’s work.
She added that the Trump Foundation, on the other hand, took money from people and “bought a nine-foot portrait...I mean who does that?”
9:58 p.m. ET Clinton said that Trump “never apologizes or says he’s sorry for anything.” She said there’s been a pattern of questionable moments including when he mocked the disability of a New York Times reporter, when he went after the Khan family and when he went after John McCain.
Trump said that her claim about the New York Times reporter was “wrong.”
9:55 p.m. ET Clinton gives a scathing indictment of Trump’s behavior towards women.
“That’s who Donald is,” Clinton said. “I think it’s really up to all of us to demonstrate who we are...and be very clear about what we expect from our next president.”
Trump’s reply: “Nobody has more respect for women than I do.”
9:53 p.m. ET Trump is asked about the women accusing him of sexually assaulting them.
He said that their accounts are “all totally false” and claimed “I didn’t know any of these women.
Trump said he didn’t even apologize to his wife, Melania, because he didn’t do anything. Trump said that the women probably only wanted fame and said that the Clinton campaign is probably behind it.
9:50 p.m. ET Clinton said she’s happy to compare her 30 years of experience with Trump’s 30 years. She said that while she worked for the Children’s Defense Fund in the 1970s, she fought against racial discrimination in schools. Clinton said Trump, meanwhile was getting sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination in his apartment buildings.
During the 1980s, Clinton said that Trump borrowed millions from his father to start a business. She also added that Trump later insulted former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.
She said while she was in the Situation Room during the Osama bin Laden raid, he was hosting the
Celebrity Apprentice.”
9:47 p.m. ET Trump slammed former President Bill Clinton for signing NAFTA and said it was “one of the worst things.” He then claimed that now Clinton wants to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
“When I saw the final agreement, I said I was against it,” said Clinton, who said she’s committed to that stance and would still hold that position if elected president.
Trump said that the one thing Clinton has an advantage of over him is experience, but he said it’s “bad experience.”
9:43 p.m. ET Clinton said that her plan would not raise taxes on “anyone making $250,000 or less.” Wallace said her plan is similar to President Obama’s stimulus plan that he said has not helped the economy as much as it should have.
She said that the steps Mr. Obama took helped the economy and get it out of the ditch from the recession.
“He doesn’t get the credit that he deserves for taking some very hard positions,” she said.
9:37 p.m. ET Wallace changed the topic to the economy and asked Clinton why she thinks her plan will create more jobs.
“I think when the middle class thrives, America thrives,” she said.
Clinton outlined her plans to give middle class families many more opportunities and create a jobs plan that focuses on areas like infrastructure and advanced manufacturing. She also mentioned her plan to make college debt-free, and gave a shout-out to her former rival Bernie Sanders who also advocated a similar plan.
She added that Trump’s plan would “cost us jobs” and maybe even lead to another “recession.”
Trump responded saying that Clinton’s plan would lead to tax increases and maybe even the doubling of Americans’ taxes. He said it would be a “disaster.”
He then shifted back to a conversation about NATO. He said that the U.S. needs to tell Japan and a number of countries to pitch in. He said he would “renegotiate trade deals” and “cut taxes massively.”
“Right now, our country is dying at 1 percent GDP,” he said.
9:35 p.m. ET Trump said that the U.S. “cannot afford” to defend countries like Saudi Arabia and Germany any longer and “spending a fortune doing it.”
Clinton said that Trump wants to “tear up our alliances.”
9:32 p.m. ET Clinton repeated that a number of U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia, “at the highest levels of the Kremlin” has directed cyberattacks against the U.S. to undermine the election.
“I find it deeply disturbing,” Clinton said.
Trump responded, “She has no idea if it’s Russia, China or anybody else. Hillary, you have no idea. Our country has no idea.”
Both candidates have received intelligence briefings as the two major party nominees.
9:29 p.m. ET Wallace asked Clinton about an email leaked through the WikiLeaks John Podesta emails hack that quoted Clinton from a speech she gave to a Brazilian bank in which she said her dream was open trade and open borders.
Asked if that was her dream, Clinton said, “I was talking about energy...I do want us to have an electric grid and energy system that crosses borders.”
Clinton then shifted the conversation to WikiLeaks and said that the “Russian government has engaged in espionage against Americans” and said Trump won’t admit to Russia’s involvement.
Trump said, “I don’t know [Russian President] Vladimir Putin.”
9:26 p.m. ET Clinton reiterated that Trump has called Mexicans rapists and she said that he used “undocumented labor to build the Trump Tower” and “underpaid undocumented workers.”
“I want to get everybody out of the shadows,” said Clinton, who added that Trump’s plan would exploit those people.
9:21 p.m. ET The conversation shifted to immigration. Trump said Clinton “wants to give amnesty and it’s a disaster.” He said it would be “unfair” to people waiting on line to legally receive citizenship.
“We need strong borders,” he said.
Trump said he would first prioritize “getting the bad ones out” when it comes to the people living in the U.S. illegally. He added that “once the border is secured,” his administration would decide what to do with the rest of the undocumented population.
Clinton said that under Trump’s vision, there would have to be a massive law enforcement presence that would entail “rounding up people who are undocumented” and putting them on planes, trains and buses.
She said that she has supported laws that provide a strong border. She added that she would introduce within her first 100 days if elected president a comprehensive plan to reform the immigration system with a pathway to citizenship and send it to Congress.
9:19 p.m. ET Wallace pointed out that Clinton has voted against a ban on partial birth abortion. Clinton said, “I do not think the U.S. government should be stepping in and making those most personal of decisions.”
Trump said “honestly nobody has business” ripping out “babies” from mothers’ wombs right before birth.
9:16 p.m. ET Trump is asked if he would want to see the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade.
“If they overturned it, it would go back to the states,” Trump said initially.
Asked to answer the question again, he said that if he puts another two or three justices on the hight court, “That would happen automatically in my opinion because I am putting pro-life justices on the court.”
9:14 p.m. ET Trump is asked why he’s opposed to any limits on automatic weapons and why he supports a national right to carry law. He repeated that he will defend the Second Amendment and said he was very proud to receive an endorsement from the National Rifle Association.
9:11 p.m. ET Clinton is asked why she said the Supreme Court was wrong on the Second Amendment from the Heller decision.
“I support the Second Amendment,” Clinton said, adding that she lived in Arkansas for many years and represented Upstate New York as a U.S. senator.
She said, “I understand and respect the tradition of gun ownership,” but also added, “I also believe there can be and must be reasonable regulation.” Clinton said she supports the expansion of background checks and closing the gun-show loophole.
9:05 p.m. ET The candidates are first asked about the Supreme Court about where they want to see the high court take the country and whether the Constitution should be applied flexibly to changing circumstances when deciding cases.
Clinton said she hopes the Supreme Court stands on the side of the American people, “not on the side of corporations or the wealthy.” She added that she doesn’t want it to reverse marriage equality, Roe v. Wade and wants the reversal of the Citizens United ruling that she said has “undermined elections system.”
Trump said he would appoint justices who would have a “conservative bent” and they would interpret the Constitution the way the Founding Fathers wanted it to be interpreted. He added that he would nominate people who would uphold the Second Amendment and who would be pro-life.
9:03 p.m. ET The debate is beginning now and moderator Chris Wallace is about to introduce both candidates.
8:30 p.m. ET Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will face off for the third time in the final presidential debate of the 2016 cycle at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace is moderating and he selected the following topics to touch on: debt and entitlements, immigration, economy, Supreme Court, foreign hot spots and fitness to be president -- with about 15 minutes allotted for each one.
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