Tuesday, October 20th 2015, 9:44 pm
Edmond city planning commissioners voted down Walmart’s plans to build a grocery store Tuesday night, and Edmond neighbors believe they've won their fight against the retail giant's plans to move in next door.
Homeowners sat on the opposite side of the aisle from project proponents pushing forward to build a new Walmart Neighborhood Market.
Tuesday night, neighbors who live near Covell and Coltrane argued they saw through Walmart's attempts to blend into the neighborhood and follow city ordinance.
They believed Walmart was trying to encroach on a buffer set in 1990 by the City of Edmond, putting natural space between the neighborhood and retail stores
“A 125 foot buffer of trees around the outside of the property to the north and west separating the single family zoning from the e2 zoning district,” said Barry Black, Asheforde Oaks homeowner.
Neighbors dispute Walmart's claims that their road improvement plans would cut down on traffic in at the intersection.
“Why would Edmond be relying on Walmart to develop our road systems? I would rather trust Edmond to do that with the plan that exists,” said Patrick Myers, Asheforde Oaks homeowner.
Ultimately it came down to a tied 2-2 vote, leaving the one absent commissioner's lack of vote to break the tie causing the proposal to fail.
“The time has come and passed for the commercial development. That is the flavor of that area it need to remain that way,” said Patrick Myers, Asheforde Oaks homeowner.
Walmart now has 10 days to file an appeal with the City Council to ask for a second opinion on Tuesday night's vote.
9/8/2015 Related Story: Edmond Residents To Fight Against Walmart Store
The grocery store was also voted down in 2014 by the Edmond City Council.
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