Tuesday, September 6th 2011, 6:00 pm
Adrianna Iwasinski, News 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A fight at Millwood High School involving a substitute teacher and a student is under investigation.
The student, Mikaylia Jackson, claims the substitute teacher slapped and punched her in the face. But the sub said it was the student who hit her. Now, both are planning to press charges.
Jackson was suspended from school for the incident. Her mother, Erica Baker, wants a thorough investigation, and for the school to reevaluate the situation.
"From the time that the incident happened to the time that we went to them, that should have been time served," said Erica Baker, mother of suspended student. "It should be considered because this was the circumstance that she was put in."
Kirsten Whittington is the substitute teacher in question. She says she has been a longtime substitute for Millwood and she did not attack Mikaylia, Mikaylia attacked her. And she said she has the picture of her black eye to prove it. But, she does admit she did grab the student's arm.
"I grabbed a hold of her wrist because that's how we escort children to the office," said Kirsten Whittington, substitute teacher. "I grabbed her by the wrist and when I did that, I was hit twice in the face."
Baker said she is also concerned because Whittington has DWI and driving with a suspended license charges on her record, so she wonders how this substitute could have even been teaching in the first place.
"This is just simply a student who was subjected to the aggressive behavior of a teacher," said Tony Coleman, attorney for the family. "And I don't think it's ever ok for a teacher to grab a student during the heat of passion. That's never okay."
Jackson admits she could have handled the situation differently.
September 6th, 2011
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