Tuesday, August 23rd 2016, 12:37 pm
One year ago today State Labor Commissioner Mark Costello was killed, allegedly by his own son; a son who battled mental illness for years. A tree was planted in Costello’s memory today; a living memorial to a man killed so tragically.”
"This gift has touched my heart on this day, and the hearts of my children in such a deep way you have no idea." Said Mr. Costello’s widow, Cathy Costello.
It’s been a year of immeasurable pain and great victories for the Costello family. One year ago today Labor Commissioner Mark Costello was allegedly stabbed to death by his schizophrenic son Christian while Mark’s wife watched in horror. "A year ago today I tragically and very brutally lost my husband in front of my eyes. And he died in my arms." Mrs. Costello said.
Mrs. Costello also lost her son that day. Christian Costello has been in jail since the killing as the court works to determine whether he is mentally capable of standing trial. But she found the strength to speak out about mental illness. "Many of you didn't know the secret of our family.” Mrs. Costello said, “That of our five children, one suffered with severe mental illness and schizophrenia. A battle that mark and I have been battling for nine years."
Mrs. Costello successfully lobbied for mental health reform. In June the governor signed the “Labor Commissioner Mark Costello Act” into law, enabling judges to order those with mental illness to participate in treatment programs if petitioned by family or guardians.
Mrs. Costello says her work isn’t done. She plans to continue pushing for mental health reform in Oklahoma and around the country. She says it’s not the life she had planned, but she now accepts her role as an advocate.
"I don't like it. I hate it. It wasn't my choice but I accept it. And I will do the best that I can to help heal and heal my children and heal the state. I have to.” Mrs Costello said, adding “You have a choice and I’ve chosen to live."
August 23rd, 2016
January 2nd, 2025
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
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March 17th, 2025
March 17th, 2025