Tuesday, February 9th 2016, 9:25 pm
A new SoonerPoll shows Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio gaining ground on leading candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
Trump (30 percent) remains on top of the GOP field in the latest tracking poll, but has slipped five points since January. Meanwhile, Cruz remains steady at 25 percent and Rubio has rocketed 11 points since January to 21 percent in the latest poll.
The remaining candidates each received single digits: Ben Carson (5.6 percent), Jeb Bush (4.6 percent), John Kasich (2.9 percent), Carly Fiorina (1.5 percent) and Chris Christie (1.4 percent).
Click here to read the full poll.
News 9/News On 6 has been tracking the presidential race since September with a series of exclusive polls.
Trump has been unable to break his highest support of 35 percent, which came in January.
"Early on, Trump's been able to channel the anger and frustration felt among Republicans toward President Obama, but anger and frustration can only take you so far in a presidential race," SoonerPoll founder Bill Shapard said.
Shapard says the poll also reflects the impact of two GOP candidates who have dropped out recently, Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee.
RELATED STORY: SoonerPoll: Trump Loses Steam, Cruz Remains Steady, Rubio Rockets To A Close Third
Hillary Clinton still leads among Democrats in Oklahoma.
Clinton remains steady at 41.5 percent, followed by Sanders whose support has grown 12 points since January to 28 percent. Still, 28 percent of voters are undecided.
"The conventional wisdom is that the undecideds will not vote at all," Shapard said. "The Democratic ticket is absent of any conservative or even moderate leaning candidates this year, leaving no place for Oklahoma conservative Democrats to go."
Independent voters will now be allowed to cast a ballot in Oklahoma's Democratic presidential primary, although the latest SoonerPoll shows only about 4 in 10 plan to do so.
RELATED STORY: SoonerPoll: Clinton Remains Frontrunner, But Sanders Continues To Rise
Oklahoma's primary election is Tuesday, March 1. News 9/News On 6 will have another exclusive presidential tracking poll right before the election.
About the polls: SoonerPoll conducted the survey by phone February 6-9, 2016 of likely voters, registered to vote in Oklahoma. The poll surveyed 414 Republicans, 360 Democrats and 52 Independents. The Republican poll margin of error is +/- 4.81 percent. The Democrat poll margin of error is +/- 5.01 percent. The results were weighted by age, sex and political party and stratified to Oklahoma likely voter demographics.
February 9th, 2016
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