Monday, November 12th 2012, 10:18 pm
Oklahoma City's National Memorial & Museum is about to undergo dramatic changes in time for the 20th anniversary of the tragedy.
Museum Directors announced Monday they're halfway to a $15 million fund raising goal. They say that money not only will allow them to better tell the story of what happened here in 1995, but it will also open more eyes to everything that happened.
Monday night, all 350 original members of the Memorial Task Force were invited back for a fresh look at changes that are coming.
"We're very excited. Moving walls and changing exhibits and enhancing the story," said Kari Watkins/Executive Director
Most of these exhibits are on display Monday for the first time, including this t-shirt Timothy McVeigh was wearing when he was arrested after the bombing, a T-shirt that says "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants."
McVeigh was put to death 11 years ago.
Susan Winchester's sister, Peggy Clark, is one of the 168 faces in the National Memorial's Gallery of Honor. Dr. Peggy Clark was a government veterinarian that was working on the Murrah building's fifth floor.
Susan Winchester says it makes sense there's a renewed effort to do more here.
The big donors in this new fundraising driver are Chickasaw Nation, who have donated $2 million, and Chesapeake Energy, who gave $1 million.
November 12th, 2012
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