Saturday, June 2nd 2012, 7:33 pm
Kyle Thompson, News 9 Special Contributor
NEW YORK CITY--Every week in the MLB Fan Cave is an adventure, and this past week was no exception! The craziness of the OKC Thunder series didn't help matters much! I was so happy to see that the Thunder took care of business and sent the Lakers back to the West Coast licking their wounds. Now, it is time to show the Spurs that their run is done! Even thought I won't be watching the games, I'll still be Thundering Up!
Also, seeing the replays of the shots of the crowd outside the Chesapeake Arena were amazing! It really showed off how supportive our state is of our team, and I really hope the city can figure out a way to keep Thunder Alley open during games. Now is not the time to be overly conservative. It is the time to show off our state's creative problem solving skills.
I am constantly blown away at the opportunities we get to meet and interact with such amazing people. Here are the people that came by this week!
o George Brett (Kansas City Royals, Hall of Famer)
o Jeff Francoeur (Kansas City Royals)
o Billy Butler (Kansas City Royals)
o Aaron Crow (Kansas City Royals)
o Brayan Pena (Kansas City Royals)
o Bruce Chen (Kansas City Royals)
o Cameron Maybin (San Diego Padres)
o Yonder Alonso (San Diego Padres)
o Andy Parrino (San Diego Padres)
o Derrick hall (Arizona Diamondbacks CEO)
o Dick Monfort (Colorado Rockies Owner)
o Nick Offerman (Actor, that plays Ron Swanson on "Parks and Recreation")
o Joel Stine (Author, Columnist)
o Jerry Dior (Designer of MLB logo)
Of all the people that have come through the Cave thus far, George Brett might be my new favorite. You never know what to expect when you meet people that have accomplished such wonderful things, but Brett was just an incredible guy. He spent a good deal of his visit talking with the Cave Dwellers, and he even arranged for some authentic smoked Kansas City BBQ ribs to be sent to us next week!
It was also a very busy week with blogging content. As always, if you can read and comment, that would be much appreciated! Everything counts! Here are my blogs from this week:
o Josh Hamilton Birthday Memes (1st and 3rd are mine):
o Stars and Stripes: It's More Than a Hat
You can see all of my blogs and video content on my page on the site. You can also vote here to help me continue living out my dream. Eliminations are coming up, but we are not sure of the date. Thanks for keeping the votes coming!
As I move forward in this competition, I can assure you that I am staying grounded and continuing to be true to who I am. Thank you so much for supporting me. I can feel the Oklahoma love!
Don't forget to follow me and the FanCave on twitter (@KyleOKC and @MLBFanCave), like my Facebook page (, subscribe to my YouTube channel (, and have your friends do the same! The more followers I get, the better a chance I have to stay here!
Thanks again, and I'll check back in next week!
June 2nd, 2012
January 2nd, 2025
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
March 17th, 2025
March 17th, 2025
March 17th, 2025
March 17th, 2025