Wednesday, May 2nd 2012, 6:03 pm
Police arrested four teenagers after a smash-and-grab at a metro pawn shop Wednesday morning, but not until after the teens led officers on a chase that ended in a crash at Southwest 27th and Indiana.
One of the boys arrested is just 13 years old. The pawn shop owner says these teens are punks and he wants to see them pay.
"Maybe I'll have a gun and be around next time," Dean's Pawn Shop Owner, Brett Fisher said.
Fisher is mad enough to make someone's day, if this happens again.
"Just a bunch of punks," said Fisher.
After learning who smashed in his windows and stole from his pawn shop, he wants them to pay.
"I've spent thousands of dollars for alarms, bars, surveillance everything, and then 14, 15 and 17-year-old punks. Parents who don't know where they're at, running around drinking partying and breaking my stuff," said Fisher.
5/2/2012 Related Story: Pursuit Of Burglary Suspects Ends With Crash In Southwest OKC
Fisher's alarm system failed, but one of his customers called 911 when he passed by and saw the teens passing stolen merchandise from the broken windows.
"They broke out the top glass side glass, bottom glass over here," Fisher said.
Fisher gave the surveillance tapes to police, but showed News 9 how much havoc the boys did after squeezing through the 4-inch security bars over the windows.
"Look where they got in? I wouldn't even thought they'd try that."
Fisher has been a burglary victim before. And because he's in the pawn business he locks his guns to the wall and they're not loaded.
"They had a crowbar that snapped one side loose," said Fisher. "They said, ‘Get the Playstations! Get the Playstations!'"
Fisher said the surveillance video makes it look like the teens knew where to go to find the video games. He said they were in and out in about 10 minutes.
"I have no compassion for them. I'll do anything I can to punish them."
Two 17-year-olds and one 15-year-old boy are in custody tonight. Police believe there was a fifth teen involved, but he got away.
Fisher said, not including the damage to the store, the guns and video games are worth about $5,000.
May 2nd, 2012
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