Thursday, May 6th 2010, 5:34 pm
By Jennifer Loren, The Oklahoma Impact Team
OKLAHOMA CITY -- It's been an ongoing battle at the state capitol in Oklahoma for three years now and Thursday, animal advocates won.
Governor Brad Henry signed puppy mill legislation, known as the Black Market Breeders bill [Senate Bill 1712], into law Thursday.
"And they don't realize that we're up here really fighting for our lives," said dog breeder Gary Phillips.
For three years dog breeders and animal rights advocates have taken their dogfight to the state capitol and now advocates are celebrating.
High-volume breeding operations will now be regulated. The idea is to stop the worst breeding operations, known as puppy mills, from operating in Oklahoma.
Right now, puppy mills can only be stopped when there is evidence of severe animal cruelty.
"It's one story after the next with people who are coming over state lines. We have no regulations so we're becoming a default zone," said Ruth Steinberger, Oklahoma Alliance for Animals.
Ruth Steinberger released a statement Thursday afternoon:
"The governor's signature signals an enormous victory for local animal advocates who have struggled for these regulations through three legislative sessions. Today marks the end of an era in which puppies could be produced in Oklahoma in filth, misery and darkness and the beginning of an era in which high volume pet breeders will be held accountable as they are in our surrounding states. Oklahomans overwhelmingly oppose animal cruelty and with this signature the majority of Oklahomans have been heard."
But breeders who fought against regulation say the law as its written is unconstitutional.
"I personally believe that what is going on is, maybe well-intended, but the directions that it is going is absolutely off the tracks," said Michael Costin, breeders' lobbyist.
But with the Governor's signature, breeders who own eleven or more females will be regulated by a state commission. Those breeders will pay a fee and be licensed.
Violators can be fined and charged with misdemeanors.
Plus, breeders will now be required to get a sales tax permit so the Oklahoma Tax Commission can track their sales.
The new law goes into effect January 1, 2011.
More on Proposed Bill Would Regulate Puppy Mill Industry In Oklahoma
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