Saturday, November 7th 2009, 11:14 pm
By Jacqueline Sit, NEWS 9
OKLAHAOMA CITY -- An Oklahoma writer has called for ban on Muslims in the United States military.
Investigators don't know if Major Nidal Hasan's faith played a role in his decision to open fire at Fort Hood, but many have questioned whether his sometimes extreme views or faith was a motive.
However, Oklahoma freelance writer Timothy Rollins said Muslims should be kicked out of the armed forces.
In a recent column he stated, "What [the Fort Hood] attack does is further strengthen the case for the honorable discharge of all Muslims from the United States Armed Forces, regardless of the degree to which they may adhere to their faith."
"How many bands of marauding Catholics do we have going around killing people in the name of the Pope? How many bands of marauding Mormons do we have going around killing in the name of Joseph Smith? We don't. Almost every style of terrorist attack in the United States since 9-11 has had a Muslim connection in one way or another," Rollins said.
It has been that thinking that has provoked major concern in the Muslim community, which is 12,000 strong in the metro. Many Muslims across the nation have said they are on guard for any potential backlash.
"When people read and hear such things, all that does is stir up hate, and we're against that. And as far as taking Muslims out, this is very crazy. It's un-American. It's unloyal to America. It does not show great patriotism," said Saad Mohammed, with the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City.
Mohammed said the faithful have condemned the shootings that killed 13 people at Fort Hood.
"No one sees real true Islam, so we're in the spotlight as an evil, bad people. So we must be extra cautious, we must be on guard for who we are," Mohammed said. "Anyone who writes such things, the evil is not in what they're writing about, the evil is within themselves."
November 7th, 2009
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