Wednesday, September 26th 2018, 5:41 pm
Muskogee is one of three cities being considered to get a new assisted living center for veterans.
The old center in Talihina is being closed and relocated.
The Oklahoma State Veterans Commission voted unanimously earlier this month to close the Talihina Veteran’s Center, which came under scrutiny after one veteran died choking on a plastic bag and maggots were found on another veteran’s body.
3/6/2018 Related Story: State House Votes To Close Talihina Veterans Center
Now, Muskogee is one of three cities fighting for the opportunity to build the all-new assisted living center.
City officials say that bringing an assisted living center for veterans to Muskogee is the logical choice because of all the resources for veterans already available in the city.
“There isn’t a better city than Muskogee to relocate this facility due to the large presence of veterans we already have here,” said Victor Lezama.
Lezama is the founder of The Barracks and he is proud to say that Muskogee is a hub of veteran resources.
“When people think about veterans and the resources available, Muskogee’s what everybody thinks of,” he said.
City Planner Gary Garvin says that one of the biggest draws to bring the center to Muskogee is the VA Medical Center.
“When they go to see a doctor or need to go to the hospital, the majority of the time, they’re bussed up to the VA center here in Muskogee as it is,” Garvin said.
Garvin helped put together Muskogee’s proposal and he says he knows Muskogee is the best choice.
“We’ve got all the medical facilities, we’ve got a much larger work force, which was two of their main concerns,” declared Garvin.
He says they’re also offering two options of land to build on free of charge to the Veterans Commission. This move, he says, could solidify Muskogee as the place to be for the men and women who have served.
“We feel we’re the perfect choice for the veterans,” said Garvin.
He says they hope to have a decision by the end of October.
September 26th, 2018
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