Monday, November 20th 2017, 3:07 pm
A new independent book store opened in downtown Tulsa Monday morning, November 20, 2017. The ribbon was cut at the doors of Magic City Books, and there was a large crowd waiting to get in.
The bookstore is the new anchor tenant of the Archer Building downtown, which was empty for years, but recently redeveloped for new stores.
Magic City Books is part of a non-profit, the Tulsa Literary Coalition, that aims to encourage more reading.
"Book stores are community gathering places. A lot of people know this concept of a third place. Contended people have work, home, and they have this third place," said Jeff Martin, Magic City Books.
"In Paris, it's a cafe. In Dublin, it's a pub, and that's what we want this place to be."
Magic City Books has about 20 full and part-time employees.
November 20th, 2017
January 2nd, 2025
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
March 26th, 2025