Thursday, January 19th 2017, 9:00 pm
A second legislative assistant said Broken Arrow Representative Dan Kirby sexually harassed her.
Carol Johnson said Kirby repeatedly asked her for nude photos of herself and made constant remarks about her body and attire.
Johnson spoke to a special house committee investigating Kirby for more than an hour on Wednesday.
Johnson was Kirby's assistant during the 2012, 2013 and 2016 legislative sessions.
Last year, Kirby was accused by a former legislative assistant, Hollie Bishop, 28, of sexually harassing her and then firing her after she refused his advances and reported them to Human Resources, according to a letter sent by Bishop’s lawyers to the house.
State records show she and her lawyers were paid $44,500 in two separate payments. One payment was marked “legal settlement” paid to the. The other payment, to her attorneys, was filed under “housekeeping” and cleaning supplies.
The new speaker-elect Charles McCall's (R-Atoka) office said Friday there was no cover-up that the payment marked as housekeeping was simply a clerical error in the coding of the Offices of Management and Enterprise Services system.
Kirby initially issued his resignation amid the allegations but then rescinded it saying that he “determined that my decision to resign was hasty and based upon bad advice.”
A panel is now investigating the claims of sexual assault made against Kirby and Democratic lawmaker Will Fourkiller from Stilwell.
1/10/2017 Related Story: State House Panel To Investigate Two Sexual Harassment Complaints
Fourkiller released a statement saying, in part, “I haven’t a clue what this is about. I’m at a loss…I am certainly willing to work with the committee after I have been told what I’m suspected of having done.”
Thursday, House Democratic Leader Scott Inman sent a letter to Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt asking how the House should proceed with hearings of the allegations.
January 19th, 2017
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