Monday, November 16th 2015, 11:04 pm
Monday night, the McAlester School Board voted to suspend its superintendent and her husband, also a district employee.
The decision came after an almost month-long investigation into complaints that Dr. Marsha Gore and her husband, Joseph Gore, misused district money, which put the district in serious financial despair.
It all began with an investigation by the McAlester News-Capital; and Monday night, the board took less than an hour to decide to suspend the couple.
The special public meeting brought out a crowd curious to hear the findings of board member Mike Sossamon.
In late October, the board asked him and the board attorney, William Ervin, to dig into some ongoing complaints - most of which accused the superintendent of using general fund money for other things.
“Dr. Gore continued her financial habits, which has placed the district in financial crisis," Sossamon said.
Some of those, originally found by the McAlester News-Capital, include administrators spending more than $300,000 on travel, food, and conferences.
The paper also discovered the superintendent’s husband, Plant Operations Director Joseph Gore, took 37 professional days in one calendar year.
The information doesn’t sit well with many living in McAlester, like Kimberlee Ott.
"I hate the idea of taxpayer money being misappropriated," she said. "This is our city, and nobody likes to be stolen from."
Sossamon highlighted the fact the district needs $1.5 million in its general fund monthly to operate, but the balance now sits at only $941,800.
Ervin said, “It's going to be a real tight time for the school district. They haven't been in this position for the foreseeable past."
The suspensions will be for up to ten days as the district begins termination proceedings.
In the interim, the board voted to employ former superintendent James Northcutt.
The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation is also investigating misconduct by a district employee, but would not say which one.
November 16th, 2015
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