Friday, November 20th 2020, 9:32 pm
Tulsa was one of a few cities chosen for a $30 million federal grant to transform a growing part of the city, and the large housing project is in progress.
Progress is being made on a large housing project near West 23rd and Highway 75 in Tulsa. Phase one started in April off South Jackson Avenue and the Tulsa Housing Authority expects this project to be finished by September 2024.
Jeff Hall, the Vice President of Development Services, said the vision to revitalize the area began in 2018 when they received a $30,000,000 grant from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.
“That's leveraged our ability to get an additional $150,000,000 in other funding to make this plan work,” Hall said.
Some of those extra funds include $56,000,000 in tax credits and $26,000,000 from the city of Tulsa.
Hall said the plan involves six phases and by the end of it, the Eugene field neighborhood from Jackson to Southwest Boulevard between West 21st and West 23rd streets will have 460 new apartments.
Phase one is still underway right across the street from River West Festival Park, as workers construct 74 new apartments for mixed income housing.
“Create a neighborhood that anyone would want to live in regardless of how much money you have,” Hall said.
Phase two is set to begin in December with 72 new apartments. Hall said people will be able to lease the apartments from phase one in February 2021.
November 20th, 2020
March 6th, 2025
March 5th, 2025
March 5th, 2025
March 6th, 2025
March 6th, 2025
March 6th, 2025