Tuesday, April 6th 2021, 10:20 pm
A survivor of a violent rape shares her story two decades after the worst day of her life as a way to help others.
Rhiannon Baker said her whole life changed at age 19 when a stranger kidnapped and sexually assaulted her.
April is sexual assault awareness month and she's sharing her story to let other survivors know they can live good lives even after going through something like this.
As a 19-year-old student at the University of Tulsa, Baker said her life was carefree, and going great.
"I had hit my stride, and life came crashing down around me," Baker said.
Baker said she was washing her car near campus, when a stranger came up behind her.
"He came up behind me and held a knife to my throat," she said.
That man, Lloyd Cooksey, forced Baker into his car, handcuffed her, and drove to a rural area.
"I was laying there scared out of my mind,” Baker said.
He blindfolded her, then sexually assaulted her for several hours. Baker was able to escape by jumping out of the car.
"The entire time he was threatening to kill me," Baker said.
A year later, a jury found Cooksey guilty of 15 felonies and sentenced him to more than 5,000 years in prison.
"I lived in shock, " Baker said. "I was a shell of who I had been - a shell."
Baker became a lawyer to help others, and now, she serves as an advocate for other survivors. She has two daughters and wants to be an example for them.
"No matter what happens, life can still be lived, there is still good," she said.
Baker said there are lots of resources for victims and there is hope for every single person.
"It was a fight. I had to fight to heal. But I did," Baker said.
Police said most women are raped by someone they know.
Anyone who is a victim of sexual assault can call the 24-hour Domestic Violence Intervention Services hotline, 918-743-5763 or text SAFE to 207-777 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.
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