Thursday, February 2nd 2023, 6:00 pm
In a letter to David Ostrowe, Attorney General Gentner Drummond says that former Attorney General, Mike Hunter "failed to adhere to necessary protocols to avoid any appearance of impropriety," adding that Hunter should have disqualified himself.
The letter appears to absolve Ostrowe, who is suing the state for millions claiming malicious prosecution and slander.
“I think it’s a strong letter,” Oklahoma City Attorney Ed Blau said.
It’s also a move that is extraordinarily rare, claims Blau.
“If the lawsuit goes forward, this letter would be exhibit 1A in the trial,” he said. “In the end this could be a situation where David Ostrowe wanted an apology.”
If so, it’s an apology he received.
The letter says in part, “I sincerely apologize to you on behalf of the state of Oklahoma.”
I goes on to say, “you committed no wrongdoing.”
“To send a letter like this to the attorney of someone that sued your agency, it’s a pretty bold move,” Blau said.
Bold moves aren’t unusual for the new Attorney General.
In his first month, the office ordered a review in the case of death row inmate Richard Glossip, dismissed the state’s lawsuit against online vendor ClassWallet and reopened the investigations into EPIC Charter Schools and Swadley’s Foggy Bottom Kitchen.
“Gentner Drummond has seemed to want to bring everything back under the purview of the Attorney General,” Blau said.
Blau admits he doesn’t know what conversations happened behind the scenes, but he believes the letter to Ostrowe wasn't sent haphazardly.
“I believe he would not have sent this letter if it were not in the best interest of the people of the state of Oklahoma,” said Blau.
News 9 reached out to former Attorney General Mike Hunter for comment, but has not yet heard back.
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