Thursday, March 2nd 2023, 5:39 pm
A Cushing postal worker Sabrina Phillips says she was attacked in broad daylight during her work route. Now her family is sharing on her behalf, hoping that something happens to the alleged attacker.
"Right out of high school, she knew she wanted to do this. There is a sense of community." Said Lunden Simpson, Phillips' Sister in Law.
"She parks on the other side and walks the whole thing," said Bryan Demaur, a homeowner on Phillips route.
The neighbors and family of Phillips know just how much she loves her job.
But last month, the unthinkable happened.
"Someone just followed her on her first street of the day and attacked her in the morning," said Simpson.
It's Phillips' 8th year working as a postal worker, and 3rd year in Cushing. Her family says that her route has never been a concern.
"Christmas just happened, and she had the best people she took care of on her street leaving little gifts and notes," said Simpson.
"The person was poking her face, asking her why she made his dogs bark," said Simpson. "After he hit her in the face, she pushed him away, and it escalated from there."
The family recalls Phillips saying he pushed her into a puddle on the side of the street.
"It's a lot of emotional trauma. She's scared to go to work, confused why this is happening," said Simpson.
The family now wants her story to be shared in hopes there's justice at the end.
News 9 has reached out to the local postal investigator, they say they are working on pressing criminal charges on the attacker while Phillips is working on getting a protective order.
Tevis Hillis, a proud Oklahoma native, anchors the weekend morning news. She also covers breaking news, education, and topics relevant to people in their 20s for her weekday audience. In addition to her on-air role, Tevis is an adjunct professor for OU Nightly, mentoring over 160 students each semester.
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