Thursday, March 23rd 2023, 5:04 pm
Les Thomas Sr. spends a majority of his time nowadays not only hyping up the crowd but pouring into young people. He is also taking on a new role.
Gov. Kevin Stitt has appointed Les Thomas Sr. to the Oklahoma Board of Juvenile Affairs. Thomas replaces Dr. Mautra Jones, who resigned earlier this year. He starts his duties immediately.
Raised by a single mother sturdy in her faith, Les Thomas Sr. learned at a young age he could do anything.
“I had a mom that always told me god had called me to do great things," Thomas said.
When he got engaged, he decided to join the Air Force to create a better life for his family.
"I served for 20 years, served on Operation Iraqi, Iraqi freedom, Operation Enduring freedom, I went to Kuwait, I went to Iraq," Thomas said.
After he retired from the military, his life took a different turn.
Thomas toured as a Christian rapper, then he went on to become the in-game host for Oklahoma State University.
"I get the privilege and the honor of hyping up 60,000 people," Thomas said
And when he is not at the game, he is volunteering his time and now joining the Oklahoma Board of Juvenile Affairs.
"What we do is we have this money, and we say how can we use this money to make sure that this kid can be successful," Thomas said.
The reason, he sees the potential in everybody.
"So maybe they did that thing that got them in trouble but that is not who they are, they have greatness inside of them they have a purpose inside of them," Thomas said.
The hype man of hope, making sure everyone walks away knowing what they are capable of.
"When I am at the game, I want to make sure you have fun at the game that is the hype, but the hype man of hope is what are you going to walk away with the rest of your life that is going to impact you to be the best you can be," Thomas said.
March 22nd, 2025
March 22nd, 2025
March 22nd, 2025
March 22nd, 2025
March 22nd, 2025