Tuesday, May 9th 2023, 5:35 pm
A Sapulpa teenager has an extremely rare disease with no known cure, but she is going to be a part of a new medical trial.
Related Story: Sapulpa Girl To Be First Person In Wolfram Syndrome Clinical Trial
Since her diagnosis, Kadence Wood received an outpouring of support from her community. Kadence is a senior at Sapulpa High School and graduates next week.
"I am excited, but I am also sad because I have been here for four years," Kadence said.
Only two days after getting her diploma, she will be flying to St. Louis to hopefully cure her of a disorder called Wolfram Syndrome.
Wolfram Syndrome is extremely rare, only one in 500,000 people are diagnosed with it and it usually starts with Type 1 Diabetes. The disease can cause vision loss and deafness.
She is the first human to participate in the treatment. Her friends and teachers, like Sondra Simpson, think Kadence is so brave.
"She is a go getter," Simpson said. "She doesn't make excuses. You really wouldn't know what is going on on the inside."
They wanted to do something to send her off in style. Students gathered in the hall to cheer her on and wish her well.
Kadence said it means a lot to her that so many people wanted to say goodbye and wish her good luck. "It's kind of emotional," Kadence said.
She will be in St. Louis for five days and hopes this trial will save her life. But she said she's really doing this to help others that are diagnosed after.
Although she can't be there with her, Simpson said she will be thinking of Kadence.
"My prayer is this treatment will work for her because she deserves it," Simpson said. "I think it is wonderful, a wonderful thing that they are doing this for her."
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