Monday, May 22nd 2023, 3:50 pm
A police officer from McCurtain County has been arrested on suspicion of pointing a firearm at a steel distributor employee last month in Idabel.
An affidavit filed in McCurtain County District Court also includes an account of racist language used by the officer toward that employee.
According to the affidavit, McCurtain County deputies responded to a man pointing a rifle at an Alford Metals employee April 24 near Northeast Lincoln Road and the Highway 70 North Bypass. The affidavit said Bobby Young, the employee, had just finished loading supplies for a customer when he saw Jerry “Neal” Pollard, an officer, driving a truck toward him. Young was near the passenger side of the truck when he heard someone yell, “you got a case now,” before he noticed Pollard pointing a rifle at him.
Multiple news reports indicate that Pollard is a police officer in Haworth, Okla.
Pollard started yelling at Young: “run ****** run. You better run, boy,” according to the affidavit.
Young didn’t run, and Pollard put the rifle back in his truck before walking up to him.
Young told Pollard that he needed to go before Pollard received his purchased supplies.
Pollard stopped his truck near Young before he left. Young told him that he was afraid and was calling the police.
The affidavit said Pollard responded by saying, “they are already here."
The Haworth Police Department said Pollard was suspended.
After the warrant was issued, Pollard turned himself in, police said.
Pollard faces a felony charge of pointing a firearm.
March 17th, 2025
April 15th, 2024
March 18th, 2025
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March 18th, 2025