Monday, June 19th 2023, 5:31 pm
Officers and deputies say people need to be patient while driving right now and don’t drive around barricades because those streets are closed for a reason. Plus, hundreds of traffic lights are out so it’s going to take people longer than normal to get around.
Many busy intersections have been turned into makeshift four-way stops and while it's not ideal, police say it's the way it has to be. The rules of the road still apply and getting frustrated only makes the situation worse.
People not sure how to handle four way stops, have already caused some wrecks in Green Country. Police say people are also driving past "closed" signs and driving over or under downed power lines.
Angela Fitzgerald lives and works in Sand Springs and says she’s seen drivers blow right past “closed” signs and drive under the power lines. "It makes me a little nervous with that line being right there but I am pretty sure there's no power going to it at this time. But man, it is ridiculous,” said Fitzgerald.
Fitzgerald says she had to go through several four-way stops on her way to work. She says for the most part, people are being patient.
"We are just asking for the public to be courteous of each other and driving on the roads. Take extra precautions at those intersections that have control but aren’t controlled right now due to electricity being out,” said Deputy Chief Todd Enzbrenner with Sand Springs Police. "Remember the rules of the road. The first one there has the right of way, just be courteous with each other."
He says they are also getting flooded with calls from people who want them to check on a loved one, as well as roads that are blocked and lines that are down. He says they've had extra officers and dispatchers working to handle the calls. He says they are also getting reports of people illegally dumping on city property, like parks.
"People want their stuff out of their yard, off their cars, off their property but also understand because you are going through this, a lot of people are going through this, don't make it somebody else's burden,” said Enzbrenner.
Enzbrenner says if they catch people illegally dumping, they will be ticketed.
June 19th, 2023
August 17th, 2023
March 6th, 2025
March 6th, 2025
March 6th, 2025