Tuesday, June 20th 2023, 5:33 pm
The school board for Broken Arrow Schools held an emergency meeting on Tuesday to talk about repairing the damage to the freshman academy.
Part of the roof over the gymnasium collapsed, the press box has damage, and the AC units on the roof were blown off.
Broken Arrow Public School’s CFO, Natalie Eneff, said the board approved the repairs.
She said they will not be using its insurance to pay for the repairs. because the deductible would cost more than the repairs, so they will use the district’s emergency funds.
"We have these funds set aside for emergencies such as this to where we don't have to take any drastic action to be able to repair our buildings," Eneff said.
Executive director of operations, Roger Shepherd, said they estimate it’ll cost a half a million dollars or more to fix the gym, roof, air conditioning unit on the roof and press box.
"The damage that was done was really isolated to freshmen academy and the other sites had some broke trees, a few things a couple cracked windows, but other than power outages we we're very fortunate it just hit the one site," Shepherd said.
The board voted Tuesday to declare an emergency for the Freshman Academy Campus, which means they don't have to get bids for the job, which makes it a much faster process.
Workers have already started cleaning up the minor damage to the other buildings and Tuesday's vote means they can start working on the big repairs right away.
"Right now, we have no roof on that building and that's why there's some immediacy, urgency to get that covered up," Shepherd said.
June 20th, 2023
August 17th, 2023
March 22nd, 2025
March 22nd, 2025
March 22nd, 2025