Friday, June 23rd 2023, 5:24 pm
Tulsa's Woodward Park is one of the worst hit parks in Tulsa when it comes to storm damage. Crews are working hard there, to try to get it back to looking its best.
They have been working long, hot days to clean up the mess at Woodward park.
“The initial response was pretty much tears. Woodward holds a special spot for all of us in the horticulture sector, it's kind of been our main park and base of operations since 1934,” Paul Stratton with Tulsa Parks Horticulture said.
Paul Stratton with Tulsa Parks Horticulture said the storm destroyed nearly 40 trees at Woodward.
Several of the huge trees were uprooted and many fell into the street, just adding to the many reasons why the park has to be closed for now.
“There’s at least a tree down in all 136 parks that we have," said Stratton.
Crews have been working high up in trees and on the ground.
"We’ve had three different Asplund crews doing the canopy work,” he said.
Now, they’re about halfway done with cleaning up the major damage.
“There's a lot of plans we had made for this summer in several of our parks," Stratton said. "We’re going to have to change those plans now.”
Mohawk park was also heavily damaged and Osage Sky News 6 flew over some of the downed trees there.
Mayor GT Bynum said the damage is terrible and people need to stop adding to it by dumping their debris in parks and playgrounds.
“Take the extra time to go to the free place we are providing, whether than asking childrens' playgrounds or parks to shoulder the burden," said Bynum.
But Stratton is confident the parks will be beautiful again.
"We've done it before, we'll do it again, we'll see a new metamorphosis of our parks ushered in with this," said Stratton.
The city has information on which parks are open on its website.
June 23rd, 2023
August 17th, 2023
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