Monday, August 28th 2023, 10:24 pm
A teacher from a metro school is remembering his student who was killed in a shooting last Friday night at a football game.
“He was one of the smaller kids in the class, had the biggest smile, very, very smart,” said Taylor. “He was part of my very first class.”
Jerome Taylor was Cordea Carter’s 4th, 5th and 6th grade teacher. Cordea passed through his classroom as Taylor began his career in education.
Taylor remembered Cordea as a small kid with a big personality.
“Cordea was hilarious, he was a class clown. He was a fun kid,” Taylor said.
Taylor had not seen Carter in years.
“I tried to keep up with all of them,” Taylor said. “I’d hear stories through his brother and friends.”
Friday, Taylor received a text telling him about the shooting.
“I saw what everyone saw. All the kids and families scrambling for their lives,” said Taylor.
Taylor, both a teacher and football coach, began making calls and scouring social media.
“I thought about my players. I knew some would be there,” Taylor said. “Just making sure they were safe.”
Although all Taylor’s current students were safe, his former student was gone.
“I saw his picture and realized who it was and it hit me like a ton of bricks,” Taylor said.
Carter’s life ended, far too soon, from gun violence.
“We shouldn’t equate shooting with school events or school. Period,” said Taylor. “I just hate that he had to be a casualty of this - to be a statistic - that shouldn’t be him, or anyone’s child.”
“We expect that our students get to live out their dreams and live out their goals,” Taylor said. “You didn’t expect for their lives to be cut short.”
Taylor hopes Carter’s death will spark change.
“Put the guns down because you can’t have one moment of anger throw away your life and then take someone else’s life away,” Taylor said.
Taylor says Friday night’s shooting has spread fear into his school, causing many students to fear even coming to school.
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