Wednesday, August 30th 2023, 10:35 pm
The search for a new Oklahoma County Jail site is narrowing down. The Citizens Bond Oversight Advisory Board was able to cut their list of proposed sites in half after hearing concerns at a meeting Wednesday.
Public comment went on for an hour. Several attorneys showed up to the meeting and said it's important to consider a location close to the courthouse, not the airport. Others were confused why locations near schools were even on the list.
A jail being built at the corner of Kelley Avenue and Britton raised a lot of concern.
Bergen Real Estate owns this land. They're offering the space up for free.
“I've been blessed with a lot, so it's okay to share,” Bergen said.
Steven Stefanick said Harding Charter Preparatory High School shares a fence line with the proposed site.
“They are released at midnight of that day. The best facility that they are going to see around that area is going to be this school,” Stefanick, Superintendent of Harding Independence Charter District said.
Stefanick along with other metro superintendents told the board this would have a negative impact on students.
“They built an elementary school just four blocks from the current jail system. That jail system allows people to walk right out the door. This jail system would not do that,” Bergen said.
County commissioners will have the final vote on the site recommended by the board.
“After living it and being in that situation with a small child at school at John Rex, Mission 2.0, I know the problem that exists and I will not do that to other people's kids,” County Commissioner Myles Davidson said.
The board voted to remove this site and 5 others from the list.
“We hear you and we appreciate all the comments and input,” Farooq Karim with Rees Architects said.
There are two proposed locations near the airport.
“Right now, the jail often times has a hard time getting our inmates over to court and it's three blocks away,” a representative for the Oklahoma County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association said.
Architects for the new jail say over the next 90 days they will be evaluating the list of locations and making plans for a new behavioral health center. A board member also told News 9 they hope to pick a location at the next meeting.
August 30th, 2023
March 14th, 2025
March 14th, 2025
March 14th, 2025
March 14th, 2025
March 14th, 2025
March 14th, 2025
March 14th, 2025