Friday, December 8th 2023, 10:39 pm
Following the sudden resignation of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation's director J.D. Strong on Wednesday, News 9 submitted an open records request to the state agency to learn more details about the departure.
But when News 9 called for an update on its request on Friday, a staff member called back and said the agency's commissioners have asked the Oklahoma Attorney General's office to take the lead in issuing opinions related to the requests it has received related to Strong's resignation.
For more information, staff suggested News 9 should contact the Attorney General's office.
News 9 legal analyst Irven Box said asking the Attorney General's office for an opinion related to pending records requests affords the agency protection from future litigation. "When he issues an opinion, the attorney general issues an opinion about what the law is," Box said. "And in this case, is the Wildlife Commission required by law to give these records, under open records law, are they required to do that?"
A spokesperson for the wildlife department did not respond by the time this story was published regarding why the agency sought an opinion from the Attorney General's office.
News 9 reached Strong's voicemail, but no call was returned.
While most details behind Strong's departure are not yet public, the commissioners revealed in an open portion of its Wednesday meeting that Strong will receive $169,341 in severance pay.
State law suggests public employees who are separated from their employment receive one week of pay for every year of service.
December 8th, 2023
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