Friday, April 12th 2024, 3:34 am
After hours of hearing from concerned neighbors, the Oklahoma City planning commission gave the go ahead for a site for the new Oklahoma County Jail.
RELATED: Oklahoma City Planning Commission Meeting To Vote On Giving Go-Ahead For New Jail Site
The planning commission initially voted to deny the permit for the new jail located along East Grand Boulevard, with the initial vote being 4-3 against the site.
However, one of the members made a second motion, and members voted 5 to 2 to approve the permit, with several conditions.
Those conditions area minimum 12-foot security fence, the release of inmates at the courthouse, not the jail and no loud outdoor speakers.
People who live in Del City spent hours asking the commission to deny the jail permit, saying they're worried about safety.
Thought the property the new jail would be built on is in the Oklahoma City city limits, it's not far from Del City, roughly 800 feet.
Del City Mayor Floyd Easton said he and his constituents are concerned
Del City leaders have also said they were waiting on this vote before moving forward with a lawsuit against the city.
RELATED: 'We're Fighting This Thing': Del City Leaders Pushing Back Against Planned County Jail Location
Oklahoma City Council members will vote on the permit for the new jail in April or early May.
April 12th, 2024
March 20th, 2025
March 20th, 2025
March 20th, 2025