Thursday, July 18th 2024, 6:03 pm
A Del City council member is speaking out about the proposed Oklahoma County jail site, specifically how the Oklahoma County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) is trying to gain power to build it.
Councilman Scott Tatom released his opinion letter to the media this week.
“It's not democracy, it's tyranny,” Tatom said. “They should not be allowed to get away with that.”
When OKC City Council shot down a rezoning request for 1901 Grand Boulevard, the BOCC began exploring whether it was sovereign, meaning they could build the jail on that location, despite the city’s vote.
“It wasn't my preferred attack,” Maughan said back in June. “It seems to me from the council meeting that no matter where we go, we're going to have to put up with this fight.”
The board filed a lawsuit in June against the city over the denial of a zoning permit, wanting a judicial review. In the court paper, the BBOC says it’s “entitled to superior sovereign immunity from the application of the city’s zoning regulations.” According to the lawsuit, the BBOC requests the District Court to prohibit the city from “enforcing any zoning ordinance or special permit denial that would delay, block or prevent the BOCC from fulfilling its constitutional duty to provide the citizens of Oklahoma County with a county jail facility.”
“Sovereignty really doesn’t exist much,” Tatom said. “King Charles in England is sovereign, the US Government is sovereign, the Native American tribes are sovereign, but in the United States that's just about the end of sovereignty and we're hoping the judge agrees.”
Last week, the city of Oklahoma City filed a motion to dismiss the pending litigation.
“It should never happen, the city has control over all property within their city, the county does not,” he said.
Tatom said if the judge rules in favor of the BOCC, he fears a precedent would be set.
“That means that they have jurisdiction over any city in Oklahoma County,” Tatom said. “Then you take that a step further, every county in the state of Oklahoma could seek sovereignty over any city, town, or village in their county, that would be devastating.”
The next court hearing is set for October 17.
The full letter can be read below:
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025
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