Friday, October 25th 2024, 1:18 pm
Hazmat is working to clear a Chemistry Lab at Oklahoma Christian University after students came into contact with paint lacquer.
Oklahoma City Fire officials were called to the scene, and say that five people were checked out due to shortness of breath.
EMTs are currently at the scene.
There were no evacuations.
The scene was near East Memorial Road in Edmond.
The school addressed this incident in a statement Thursday:
We were alerted today of a medical situation involving several students who reported breathing difficulties following a chemistry class. We followed protocol, notified the students' families and can report that all students are in stable condition. We are investigating whether the conditions of the chemistry lab may have led to the students’ issues. The lab is closed as we work closely with the Oklahoma City Fire Department, a hazardous materials team, and EMSA.
The safety and health of our students, staff, and faculty remain top priorities. This is a developing situation and we will keep the campus community updated as soon as we are able.
- Neil Arter, Oklahoma Christian University Chief Student Life Officer and Dean of Students
The school then released this statement on Friday:
"We were alerted yesterday, Thursday, Oct. 24, after several students and a teaching assistant reported experiencing breathing difficulties. The individuals had all attended the same chemistry lab on campus. All who were experiencing issues were treated on campus and then, out of an abundance of caution, at hospitals in the area. They were all released last night and are doing well.
Our campus has received the "all clear" from experts who assessed the situation, including the Oklahoma City Fire Department, a hazardous materials team, and EMSA. It is answered prayers that those impacted are doing well. We are grateful for the swift action from first responders and those on campus who worked together to address the situation."
October 25th, 2024
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025
March 15th, 2025