Each Wednesday Ashley Izbicki and Brian Dorman bring our viewers Wellness Wednesday, discussing a new health related topic each week.
From rolling hills and sand dunes to lake excursions and cave camping- there's something for everyone in the Oklahoma Outdoors. Come along with us as we travel the Sooner state where adventure awaits!
Medical marijuana becomes legal in Oklahoma after voters overwhelmingly approve State Question 788.
Oklahoma weather can be deadly. Visit our special Storm Zone section for videos and important information that can keep your family safe in the storm.
Get the latest news coverage on the Oklahoma Earthquake outbreak from across the state.
Two Broken Arrow brothers are accused of killing their parents and three of their five siblings on July 22, 2015.
A Community Journalism Project
Use our interactive timeline to learn more about the events leading up to and following the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building.
Join us in honoring our Fallen Heroes, Oklahomans who've lost their lives fighting overseas.
It’s a tumultuous time for Oklahoma schools. Join us for an in-depth look at what works well in Oklahoma's education system, what does not and what we can learn from other states, even other countries to improve.