Saturday, February 3rd 2018, 9:43 pm
A special fundraiser was held Saturday for a Norman woman who was shot at her workplace in January. Colette Wind is now out of the hospital recovering and managed to stop by the softball tournament in her honor.
“That’s one of our best friends,” Wind’s softball teammate Justin Anderson said. "She was trying to help somebody out and she ended up getting hurt in the whole incident."
On January 10, a suspect with a gun walked into Wind’s workplace, Bergey Windpower, attempting to kidnap his wife. Wind stepped into save her coworker and was shot in the arm.
1/11/18 Related Story: Suspect In Norman Business Shooting Identified; New Details Released
“She would help anybody,” Anderson said of his team coach. "She’s no stranger to anybody."
As Wind recovered in the hospital, her softball buddies started brainstorming fundraiser ideas.
“We had a friend call after the situation happened and asking to help put a tournament together,” Wind’s friend Chelsy Lindenfelser said.
Proceeds from the tournament, as well as a GoFundMe campaign, will go to Wind’s family for medical bills. The tournament drew in 18 teams. Each paid $200 to enter.
Friends say Wind was speechless at the support.
“She’s in great spirits,” Lindenfelser said. "She’s actually dying to get back on the ball field right now."
Until then, the softball community is on team Wind, cheering her on as she hits the recovery process out of the park.
February 3rd, 2018
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March 21st, 2025