Thursday, February 7th 2013, 9:18 pm
She is a young mother on the run and in hiding from the law. She says she's trying to protect her son from abuse from his father. An attorney representing the child's father says his client is scared to death he will never see his boy again.
Kayla Harmon came to News 9 a year ago with pictures she says was evidence her son her son had been abused. At the time, a criminal pathologist agreed.
"Somebody needs to look at this," Harmon told News 9 during an interview last February.
Now there's a warrant for Harmon's arrest for failing to return her son to his father. She spoke to News 9 on Tuesday over the phone from a restricted number. She wouldn't tell us where she is.
"I would rather go to jail, I would rather die than hand my son over," said Harmon on Thursday. "I promised him I would keep him safe."
Harmon says on Saturday, Benjamin, during a routine visit, told her that his father was touching him inappropriately, and physically abusing him. She quickly grabbed a recorder she had in her car and recorded the conversation.
2/22/2012 Related Story: Mother Begs For Help Before Baby Dies In DHS Care
"Your dad loves you, but he can't do that to you okay," Harmon said on the recording.
"He already did," replied 4-year-old Benjamin.
"He tied me up and put tape on me," said Benjamin at another part of the recording.
Harmon immediately took Benjamin and the recording to the McAlester Police Department.
"They were accusing me of making this stuff up," said Harmon.
So Harmon didn't give Benjamin back to his father and took off.
Monday morning, Harmon says she made numerous calls to DHS. Police confirm she was in contact with a detective that encouraged her to bring Benjamin back where they could have a professional interview him.
"I told them I would meet with them and do whatever they wanted as long as they would put him in some sort of protection and wouldn't give him back to his father," said Harmon.
A police captain and detective on the case tell News 9, there have been several court battles over custody and DHS has done numerous investigations and all claims of abuse by the father were unfounded.
Benjamin's father's attorney also says several doctors testified in the past there was no abuse. Harmon, however, wants another law enforcement agency to listen to the recording and investigate.
"I cannot let my son be harmed," she said.
Benjamin's father's attorney says because of a several unsubstantiated claims of abuse in the past the recording has no credibility.
February 7th, 2013
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