Wednesday, September 26th 2012, 11:09 pm
Some of the same students who witnessed Cade Poulos take his life at school Wednesday morning attended a prayer vigil at Park United Methodist Church Wednesday night.
Dozens of people packed into the church to pray, cry and read bible scriptures.
Stillwater Junior High School administrators stress Cade was not bullied, to their knowledge. Parents tell News 9 students were in the pit, which is a popular hangout spot when the unthinkable happened.
9/26/2012 Related Story: Community Reacts To Stillwater Junior High Student's Death
"They prayed this morning like they do every morning and she was by the pit. She was probably five feet away from where he was. There were a bunch of kids just getting ready to go to class. Then she just heard a loud bang then turned around and saw blood everywhere," said Christina Collins, whose daughter witnessed the shooting.
"I just talked to him this morning and he said ‘Hey' but he seemed really happy," said Morgan Nelson, Cade's friend. "I thought it was like a balloon popping at first and then Mrs. Miller was like ‘We need help! We need help!' And I started freaking out."
News spread quickly that the 13 year old committed suicide.
"I thought it couldn't be true because Cade is a really good person and a strong Christian and I didn't think that would happen because he's a really good kid," Neslon said.
Pastor Derek Belase reached out to kids who were dismissed from school. The pastor organized a prayer vigil and is providing counseling for the Stillwater community.
"Some of them who have gone to school with Cade for a long time said they were sad. I didn't hear them say they were scared or fearful. They are just sad, " said Belase, of Highland Park United Methodist Church.
This sad day in Stillwater ended how it began, with prayer; something Belease said people in Stillwater will undoubtedly need as Cade's friends go back to school Thursday.
"I just think about going in the building and hearing that gunshot. It's just going to be hard on a lot of people," said Alexis Acosta, Cade's friend.
HeartLine connects Oklahomans to help, hope, and information, 24 hours a day through 211 information and referral. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255). Parents Careline phone number is 848-CARE (2273).
Stillwater Junior High will resume its normal activities and schedule Thursday.
9/26/2012 Related Story: Counselors Urge Parents To Talk To Kids About Suicide
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