Make A Weather Alert Kit
Oklahoma's weather is unpredictable so a disaster kit is vital. Learn what to have around when disaster hits.
Friday, April 1st 2011, 2:54 pm
News 9
Oklahoma's weather is unpredictable so a disaster kit is vital in every home.
When preparing for a tornado, or any natural disaster, you should have your disaster supply kit accessible. Your kit should include the following items:
- First aid kit and essential medications
- Canned food and can opener
- At least three gallons of water per person
- Protective clothing, rainwear and bedding or sleeping bags
- Battery-powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries, cell phone
- Special items for infants, elderly or disabled family members
- Written instructions for how to turn off electricity, gas and water if authorities advise you to do so
- A camera to document damage for insurance purposes