Sunday, August 24th 2008, 9:53 pm
Within a matter of minutes, the small town of Luther found itself on major news networks thanks to a train derailment Friday afternoon. FOX and CNN took live video feeds from Oklahoma City TV stations and showed the rest of the country what was happening in our backyard.
The major fire and was enough to send my cell phone into overdrive.
At the time of the crash, I was on my way to Stillwater with photojournalist Mark McBride. We were assigned to cover another story, enjoying the peaceful ride and casual conversation along I-35 north when my friends and family started filling me in on what was happening.
"What's going on?"
"Are you okay?"
"Are you covering this fire?"
"Are you going to be on CNN today?"
Again - we were in the car and had no clue to what was happening. I called up to the news desk and was greeted on the phone by a frantic assignment editor who said he was too busy to talk. So, thanks to the wonderful world of technology, I continued to text my friends and asked for any updates they were seeing on CNN or on News 9. I also logged on to on my cell phone and was able to find out much more about this national story that was unfolding not too far away from where we were.
I was thrilled to be up-to-date on the situation, but bummed I wasn't there covering it.
Rusty Surette
August 24th, 2008
January 2nd, 2025
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
March 25th, 2025
March 25th, 2025