Friday, May 15th 2015, 6:38 pm
An anti-prostitution activist puts a neighborhood on notice about a potentially dangerous neighbor.
Residents in the Remington Addition near N.W. 150th and Portland found fliers on their front door from
"I'm an in-your-face type of approach to this problem," said Brian Bates, an anti-prostitution activist and owner of
Bates went door-to-door in the neighborhood warning residents about their neighbor, Penny Melton, 47, who was charged with two misdemeanors counts of Maintaining a House of Prostitution.
5/14/2015 Related Story: Accused Brothel Owner Arrested On Prostitution Charges
Court records showed she lives in the 4200 block of N.W. 147th but was caught running a criminal enterprise at alternate locations in Oklahoma City and Edmond.
"She happens to allegedly run a brothel that is pretty infamous here in the city," Bates explained. "It was only spread by whispered voices and posts on the internet and had a very large upscale client list."
According to her case file, Melton was first caught selling sex out of an unmarked business known as the Red Door Massage Parlor.
The business was located just across from the upscale Rose Creek community.
During the undercover operation in February, officers were allegedly offered oral sex for $200.
As a result of that investigation. Melton was arrested.
She posted bond, and records showed she then opened another brothel at 4900 Sewell Avenue.
Officers busted that operation and she was arrested again on May 12.
Melton is again out of jail on bond.
So far, there are no allegations of criminal activity at her home but Bates worries it's just a matter of time.
"It only stands to reason if all of her commercial locations are being shut down she may have no other option than to start running her criminal enterprise out of her home and next door to these families," said Bates.
News 9 attempted to speak with Melton at her home but no one got back with us in time for this report.
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