Friday, June 25th 2010, 7:04 pm
By Jon Jordan, NEWS 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Under an Oklahoma City ordinance, 10 unpaid parking meter violations will get a car booted, and city leaders said they believe the ordinance has been warning enough for metro drivers.
"We see it as a tool that's a deterrent that encourages people now that it's in place, pay their fines if they a traffic citation," said Oklahoma City Police Captain Steve McCool.
However, since the ordinance passed, Oklahoma City Police have never had to boot a car. They said they believe fear alone encouraged people to pay their outstanding fines, but city leaders admitted getting booted is next to impossible.
"You have to have a lot of tickets to get the boot," said Kristy Yeager, a spokesperson for Oklahoma City.
Under the ordinance once a person has parking violations exceeding $250, they can be eligible for the boot. In addition to the $250 in parking violations, a person must also have been sent a letter informing them of their fines.
If you don't respond to that letter, and you don't come in for your hearing date that's when you are eligible for the boot," McCool said.
Something city officials admitted provides citizens with lots of wiggle room.
"There's quite a bit of lee-way," Yeager said.
As for those who are eligible and haven't paid, city officials said consider yourself fortunate.
"They are lucky. It won't come to our attention until that vehicle is pulled over on a traffic stop or it's parked in an expired meter," McCool said.
According to Stacey Davis Oklahoma City's court administration, "107 are currently eligible." Davis said city leaders looked at lowering the $250 limit, but ultimately they decided against it.
June 25th, 2010
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