Thursday, January 14th 2010, 4:51 pm
By Melissa Maynarich, NEWS 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- The Oklahoma City Council usually meets every Tuesday, but Thursday morning in the same chambers another type of meeting happened, a mock city council meeting.
Members of Leadership OKC, which included a group of Oklahoma City business professionals, made up the council and concerned citizens in the staged event that focused on real issues.
Sales tax revenue has declined every month since April of 2009 creating the worst revenue picture Oklahoma City has ever faced, leaving the pseudo city council members with no choice but to cut expenditures.
To address the shortfall the City Manager recommended passing either 10 percent across the board cuts or 25 percent cuts to all city departments, excluding public safety.
It's an exercise to get Leadership OKC members familiar with the way city government works.
"A lot of times people think about, they read about the things that are going on, whether it be the good times and what we're doing and adding stuff to the city, or the bad times when we're taking away. But they don't know how the government itself deals with that," said Gary Marrs, Leadership OKC Co-chair.
Many came for an experience they hoped would offer them a unique exposure to municipal dealings.
"Honestly, the decisions they have to make, you think it's just flipping a light and voting on some issues, but really understanding what's going on and making an informed decision that are affecting real people and real lives is harder than you think it is. It's an art, not a science," said Brad Sheriff, Sonic's VP of Brand Technology.
After hearing from each department and the public, the "mock" members took a vote. They passed a motion to make 10 percent cuts to city departments across the board.
Leadership OKC members also go through exercises to learn more about public safety, health and medical services, education, economic development and quality of life.
January 14th, 2010
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