Monday, December 28th 2009, 6:39 pm
By Melissa Maynarich, NEWS 9
YUKON, Oklahoma -- What was meant to be a nice gift for a 9-year-old boy turned out to be an X-rated present.
Two Yukon parents had no idea what types of pictures their son was about to find on his new digital camera, Christmas morning.
The Grahams were last-minute shopping for Christmas at Wal-Mart when they found a child's digital camera on sale and thought it would be perfect for their son.
The packaging of the Disney digital camera was obviously re-wrapped and put back on the Wal-Mart shelf, the family said. But the Graham family didn't mind when they picked it up. They thought they were getting a good deal. The camera cost $7 on clearance.
"I have no clue what to think, especially that my boy had to go through this," Andrew Graham said.
Stored on the camera were a series of pornographic photos that 9-year-old boy discovered them on his own.
"This morning he put some batteries in it and started it up, took a few pictures and then came into my sister-in-law and my wife later and said ‘I don't know who this girl is,'" Graham said.
A young woman's face is visible in the snap-shots, but so are some other body parts.
"It's horrible. It's pretty much X-rated and that's not what you want to wake up on a Christmas morning and have your 9-year-old see," said the boy's father.
The Grahams are planning on buying a new camera for their son. And in the future, they'll thoroughly screen any electronics before handing them over to their children, which is something they didn't think they had to do.
"Pretty upset actually, very mad that my boy had to come do that. So, we're just trying to figure out what to do to get it taken care of," Graham said.
Wal-Mart issued this statement on the matter:
"Satisfaction with the products we sell is a top priority. We encourage this customer to contact and speak with store management and local police so this matter can be fully investigated with the help of the store, the manufacturer and local authorities. Though it is our store policy not to return digital items to shelves that appear to have been opened, at this time we show no previous return history on this item at this store through the information provided to us by NEWS 9."
December 28th, 2009
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